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Fr. Anthony shares resources and tips to prepare for Holy Week and make the most of this special time of the year.
Holy Week Schedules
Streaming schedule
Streaming for Holy Week services will begin the evening of April 28th into May 3rd for Good Friday, on YouTube.
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In Person Schedule
View the Holy Week schedule of services and join us at STSA Church.
dig deeper into HOLY WEEK
Explore and download resources below.
Kids, Teens, & Families
The following is a collection of resources we have come across or developed. We hope that you and your family enjoy these resources and can use them to help you grow closer to Christ during Holy Week.
They are organized starting from those that are appropriate for our youngest preschoolers all the way to our oldest teens. Use the icons to help you find the right resources for your kids.
In Spirit and Truth app
In Spirit & Truth, an educational app that will help you immerse the writings of the Church Fathers, and into the prayers of the Coptic Orthodox Church! Inside, you'll have access to Liturgical, Biblical, and Patristic texts in 3 languages. You can also use the study mode to learn about the origins of words, and read commentary on scripture and Liturgical readings from over 20 Church Fathers.